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Copyright Registration

Category Copyright Registration

Copyright is the legal right creators are entitled to for their literary, dramatics, music, and artistic work. Producers of films and recordings enjoy this right too. They can copyright song lyrics, copyright a video and also conduct copyright registration for musical compositions You can register music copyright online. When a proprietor registers for a copyright, it gives them an exclusive right to reproduce, replicate, and distribute the work.

Further, they can grant authority to some other entity for the same purpose.

Registering for copyright is important because it makes you the legal owner of the rights over the work. You then have control over communicating it to the public, reproducing rights, any adaptations or translations of the works.

The purpose of copyright registration is to place on record a verifiable account of the date and content of the work in question, so that in the event of a legal claim, or case of infringement or plagiarism, the copyright owner can produce a copy of the work from an official government source. Registration of a copyright is important to protect the work from unauthorized use or copying as it is prima facie evidence to prove the ownership of the work and it also provides the owner of the registered copyright to avail the maximum benefit by licensing, assigning and raising capital.

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