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Trademark Assignment

Category Trademark Assignment

Trademarks is an intellectual property and like any other asset, the proprietor of a trademark has the power to sell, license or transfer the owned intellectual property. Such a transfer can be made through Trademark Assignment or through licensing.

When a trademark is assigned, there are some variations in the ownership of the registered brand. But when it’s licensed, the benefits in the trademark continue to vest with the buyer but only a few qualified rights are given to the third party. This assignment can be done with or without assigning the business goodwill. In case of a registered trademark, such an assignment is required to be recorded in the Register of a trademark.

Assignment of a trademark means to transfer the owner's right in a trademark to another person. The transferring party is called the assignor, and the receiving party is called the assignee. Assignment of a trademark occurs when the owner of such mark as such, is transferred from one party to another whether along with or without the goodwill of the business. In the case of a registered Trademark, such assignment is required to be recorded in the Register of trademarks.

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