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Trademark Watch

Category Trademark Watch

Registering a trademark is the first step towards protecting your brand name. A trademark is a symbol and can be anything from a name, picture, and word to even a label or a sound. Once registered, it can be a precious asset for a business as with a trademark, the business can project its unique positioning to the consumers.

To ensure you have full control over it, you need to keep a close watch on all the probable attempts by other businesses and individuals to register similar trademarks, even if these are related to other domains. While the Registrar does have its own set of rules for approving trademarks, it is not enough to ensure that no similar or identical brand names are registered. This is where a trademark watch comes in; it will keep you informed of any similar brand names across the web or new applications at the trademark office, both in India and globally.

 Trademark watching is an important tool in the proactive monitoring of registered marks and devices, helping companies to identify and act against infringement and misuse of trademarks in a timely manner.

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