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Trademark Renewal

Category Trademark Renewal

Trademark registrations are valid for 10 years and are perpetually renewable. It has to be renewed starting six months before the expiration date. Even if you overlooked it—which even big organizations frequently do—you will receive a reminder at your registered address prior to the expiration date. The registrar may publish a notice in the Trade Marks Journal announcing its intention to withdraw the trademark if you still do not submit a renewal application. However, this is most likely to occur within a year after the expiration date. Trademark registrations can be renewed between six and twelve months after they expire by paying a fee through a procedure known as 'restoration'. Vakilsearch provides the best Trademark renewal service. Trademark renewal preserves those rights which are only available to a registered mark. In case the proprietor fails to renew the trademark, then he shall lose all the protection that comes along with registration. For example, a registered trademark has the benefit of the legal presumption of ownership. Trademark renewal ensures that all the rights related to the trademark get extended for a few more years. In case the owner fails to renew their mark once the validity expires, the trademark will no longer be valid.

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